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A massive pack of 9 animated, top down pixelated 2D characters! Fully animated in 8 directions with over 30 unique animations per character! The pack includes some shapeshifting characters that can transform into tigers, birds, wolfs and more. 

The pack also includes over 25 different projectiles and spells!


This is the second Character pack in the top down pixel series. Great for Enemies or player characters.

Both spritesheets and individual sprites are included for all characters. The sprites are 64x64 in size. 

Two types of spritesheets are included, with shadows and without shadows so you can implement your own shadow for each character if you want. 


SHAMAN                                    KROTOS

Each character have variations of the following animations in 8 directions:


  • Crouch idle
  • Die
  • Idle
  • Idle2
  • Take damage


  • Crouch run
  • Walk
  • Run
  • RunBackwards
  • Slide start
  • Slide
  • Slide end
  • Strafe left
  • Strafe right
  • Rolling / Fly
  • FrontFlip / Levitate


  • Special 1
  • Special 2
  • 180 turn
  • Attack1
  • Attack2
  • Attack3
  • Attackrun
  • Kick
  • QuickShot/Pummel
  • BlockMid
  • BlockStart
  • CastSpell


  • Sit down
  • UnSheathe / Initiate (Spawn animation)



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Get this asset pack and 11 more for $59.99 USD
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$19.00 $9.50 USD or more

In order to download this asset pack you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $9.50 USD. You will get access to the following files:

SmallScaleInt 2D Projectiles Character Pack 12 MB
2D Character pack 157 MB

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(1 edit)

Is there any chance you make this set without shadows? 🥺

Great suggestion! Yes, I just added new spritesheets to all my packs for all characters, called shadowless. This is essentially the same spritesheets but without the shadow, so you can chose if you want the default shadow or not:) 

(1 edit)

Wow! Nice, I bought 3 of your assets (Barbs, undead and 1st char pack) but I need add my own shadows.

Btw, continue your good work! It's hard find quality 8dir characters like yours!

Thank you! and i will!:)

Purchased!!! Thanks for quick update!

Nice work!, I bought and developing a game with these characters btw can you check the animations of the BroadSword? On the video I can see he have an animation where he fire bursts of the sword but I don't see them on the package thanks and awesome work!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks alot! Excited to hear you are creating a game with the characters. Regarding the "Fire Burst", I just added all the projectiles from the video to the asset. please see "SmallScaleInt 2D Projectiles Character Pack"

Nice work, Does this include the animals as shown in the pack on Unity Asset Store?

Thanks! Yes, but with limited number of animations. I mainly added them as a way of shapeshifting for the characters, so animals only have Idle and Run. Im planning on making a full animal pack in the near future:)

Great, I can't wait to see the animal pack! I love the animals in this pack!

Another fantastic pack of characters, Great work!

Thank you!