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Looks really awesome, how do you make stuffs like this? Are you using Aseprite? Please share the things you do :)

Thank you! Its a combination between 3D and hand-painted. I first render out the animations from 3D models, then i fill in the details in photoshop. It takes alot of time but i think the result is worth it!:)

This is singlehandedly the greatest character pack I've seen on Itch, perfect for a pixel art souls game. If you ever make more I will purchase immediately, outstanding!

Thank you! I have more packs in the pipeline, stay tuned:)

sounds awesome maybe a western cowboy would be cool with like a pistol a roll oh or even a rideable horse!!!

Great ideas! i'll add those to the wishlist for future packs.

What is the dimensions of the sprites?

64x64, i'll add that info to the description.